The United Nations Special Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities, Catalina Devandas-Aguilar, is currently preparing a study on the right of persons with disabilities to the highest attainable standard of health.
The study will be presented at the October 2018 session of the UN General Assembly.
You can download the questionnaire in English, French, or Spanish from this website:
The Special Rapporteur welcomes inputs from, among others, "organizations of and for persons with disabilities, civil society, [...] scholars, research institutions [...], community movements, and private individuals".
Submissions in English, French, or Spanish should be sent in accessible format (Word) to:
Concise responses are encouraged, inclusive of relevant attachments where available.
Deadline: 30 March 2018
You should indicate if you have any objections with regard to your reply being posted on the OHCHR website.
If you have any input toward a possible submission by Autistic Minority International, please send it as soon as possible to: